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Last updated: 18th October 2023

  1. Introduction

Capacity is a private organisation that conducts qualitative and quantitative behavioural research for commissioners such as local and national government, health and social care providers and community and voluntary sector organisations. The data controller for all research studies is Capacity. A data controller determines how and why personal data can be processed.

We also conduct research on behalf of other clients. In these situations, we will either be a joint controller with the other client or data processor acting on behalf of the other client. Where this is the case, you’ll be notified in the information sheet for specific projects.

This privacy notice gives you general information on how we handle research data at Capacity. For more details about a specific piece of research, you can refer to the information sheet provided when you’re invited to take part in that project. This should also include contact details for the researcher and their team in case you have any further questions.

  1. Why we need your data

We need information about you when inviting you to take part in research to ensure that:

  • you meet the criteria for this piece of research
  • we are including a wide range of people

We need to collect data during the research activities to ensure that we have an accurate record of what happened and what was said. This is important because we then analyse this information and use it to elicit key themes/ draw conclusions about what should happen next.

  1. Our legal basis for using your data

We use your data because you have consented for us to do so for a particular piece of research.

  1. What data we collect from you

4.1  When inviting you to take part

The personal data we collect from you at this stage could include information about your:

  • name
  • age
  • gender
  • ethnicity
  • disabilities/ conditions
  • job title
  • email address
  • phone number

We may collect additional characteristic information if it is relevant for a particular research study. For example, if we’re conducting research and want to engage gay men, we might want to know about your sexual orientation.

We may collect additional topical information, based on the specific topic being researched. For example, if we’re conducting research about a specific service, we might want to know whether you’ve used this service in the past.

We sometimes work with other organisations to carry out research. This can include companies that help us recruit people to take part in research. If we do this, these companies may also collect additional data for which they are the data controller, and their privacy policy will also apply.

4.2 During the research session

In most cases, we’ll collect personal data during the research activities. This could be in the form of:

  • audio recordings
  • video recordings
  • screen recordings
  • written notes
  • Photos
  1. What we do with your data

5.1 Collecting and analysing

Our dedicated research team carry out all research activities and will have access to your data. We  may also use the following third-party tools and services to collect, transcribe or analyse your data:

  • survey tools
  • online collaboration tools including Microsoft Teams and Zoom
  • transcription services, including automatic transcription and analysis tools
  • consent management tools

If we do any of the above, we will monitor and limit the access that people outside Capacity have to your data. The privacy policies of these external organisations will also apply.

5.2 Reporting the results

When using your responses in reports or presentations, or sharing with other departments, we will make sure you cannot be identified from your data. Each person taking part in a piece of research will be assigned a unique number, and any names or other personal and identifiable data will be removed.

Only researchers working at Capacity will have access to the full original recordings and to your personal information. The only exception to this is during the transcription and analytics phase (described above) when transcription and analytics services may be used.

If we do any of the above, we will monitor and limit the access that people outside Capacity to have to your data. The privacy policies of these external organisations will also apply.

  1. Legal obligations

We will share your data if we’re required to do so by law – for example, by court order, or to prevent fraud or other crime. We will also share your data in the event of a serious safeguarding concern – for example, if we are concerned about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult.

We will not:

  • sell or rent any of your data to third parties
  • share your data with third parties for marketing purposes
  1. Where your data is processed and stored

Your personal data will be stored on our IT systems, which are provided by third party email, document management and storage service providers.

Your personal data may be transferred outside the United Kingdom while being processed by Capacity. If this happens, it will be subject to equivalent legal protection through the use of adequacy decisions. If no relevant adequacy decision exists, standard contractual clauses will be used instead.

  1. How long we keep your data

The data collected when we invite you to take part will be held for a maximum of 6 months after the study has finished. After this point, we will delete this but will keep a record of consent, your name, and the data gathered during the research activities.

We will hold the data from research sessions, your name, and a record of consent for a maximum of 3 years after the study has finished. After this point, we will delete all personal data relating to you, but we might retain reports that contain your anonymised quotes.

  1. How we protect your data and keep it secure

We are committed to doing all that we can to keep your data secure. We have set up systems and processes to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure of the data we collect about you. For example, we protect your data using varying levels of encryption. All third parties that process personal data for Capacity are also required to keep that data secure.

  1. Your rights

You have the right to withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data – for example, original recordings and notes where you can be identified. If a report with anonymised quotes has been published (internally or externally) we will not be able to remove this as it does not constitute personal data.

You also have the right to request:

  • information about how your personal data is processed
  • a copy of that personal data
  • that this copy be provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format
  • that anything inaccurate in your personal data is corrected without delay

  • that your personal data is erased if there is no longer a justification for holding it
  • that the processing of your personal data is restricted in certain circumstances (for example, where accuracy is contested)

If you have any of these requests, please contact us using the details in the information sheet provided to you, or the contact details listed below.

  1. Questions and complaints

If you have questions about research that you’ve been invited to participate in, you can contact the researcher named on the information sheet provided to you.

Contact the Capacity Privacy Team if you:

  • have any questions about anything in this document
  • think that your personal data has been misused or mishandled
  • want to make a subject access request (SARS)


The data controller for your personal data is Capacity. The contact details for our Data Protection Officer are:


The Data Protection Officer provides independent advice and monitoring of Capacity use of personal information.

You can also complain to the Information Commissioner, who is an independent regulator.

Information Commissioner’s Office


Contact form…

Telephone 0303 123 1113

Textphone 01625 545 860

Changes to this privacy notice

We may change this privacy notice. When we make changes, the ‘last updated’ date at the top of the page will also change.

Any changes to this notice will apply to you and your data immediately. If these changes affect how your personal data is processed, we will take reasonable steps to make sure you know.