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World Mental Health Day 2024: A Capacity approach to workplace wellbeing

Here at Capacity, we know that our people are our biggest asset. We also know that work can have a huge impact on our mental health – with almost 900,000 workers in the UK suffering from work-related stress, depression and anxiety.

That’s why we’re passionate about creating a culture of care and concern for our people. This World Mental Health Day, we wanted to reflect on some of the ways we create a work environment where wellbeing is embedded in everything we do and is at the heart of our everyday working practice.

How we support wellbeing in the workplace

Promoting work-life balance

We know a good work-life balance is essential to workplace wellbeing. Our team work hard and we don’t want them to burn out. We see each other as humans with lives and commitments outside of work, so we’ve created an environment that encourages work and life to co-exist. We want our team to have as much of a say as possible in where – and when – they work, designing as much of their work week as possible. We do this by:

  • Enabling our staff to choose when, and how often, they come into our central office. 
  • At the start of 2024, we cut our working week down to 35 hours to promote a healthier work-life balance.
  • Encouraging our team to set their own working patterns based on what works best for them.

Becky Austin, Designer and Doer

‘I’m only one month in at Capacity and I’ve been so impressed with the way that it allows people to take care of their own wellbeing. We’re a busy bunch, but with that there’s a high level of trust and autonomy which means we’re able to do the things that help you be your best, whether that’s going for a run at lunchtime, getting some fresh air during the work day, or logging off a bit early when needed’.

Goda Dragunaite, Digital Comms Manager 

‘I try to get out for a quick walk during the day. With short winter days coming up, a lunchtime walk is the best time to get some daylight, fresh air and a bit of a stretch’. 

Staying connected 

We want our team to have great working relationships so they can talk to each other and support each other if things get tough. 

Because we don’t require staff to be in the office every day, we know it’s really important that our team can stay connected. Alongside adopting practices that make hybrid working easier, we make sure that we take time to get together and touch base regularly.

Each Monday morning, we come together for a 30-minute ‘Huddle’, either remotely or in-person, to share updates, reflections and learning (and have a laugh), because what’s a better way to start the week than getting together for a bit of catch-up? We know that being together in the office occasionally is a brilliant opportunity to bounce ideas around and can make solving problems a lot easier. So, once a month, we ask the team to join us at Capacity HQ for an ‘All in Day’. On these days, we treat the team to a shared lunch.

It’s always good to get out of the office for a bit.

Throughout the year, we host team development days so our team can stay informed, connected and well. These sessions don’t just allow us to develop as individuals – and as a team – they’re also an opportunity to have some fun. We get together to ask ‘how are we doing?’ and ‘where are we going?’. Known as ‘Hot Dog’ sessions (it’s a long story), these are a chance to set direction for the future and check in on how the team are feeling. We follow these sessions with staff socials where we can all switch off and enjoy each other’s company. From paddleboarding, dinner and drinks, karaoke, wine tasting, painting and curling – you name it we’ve probably tried it.

We also host occasional wellbeing-themed sessions for the whole team. In the past, we’ve explored authenticity at work, menopause awareness and even taken part in a sound bath experience. These sessions help us to deepen our understanding of what keeps us well, and how we can support each other in the workplace.

Emma Lord, Director of Design and Doing

‘My team at Capacity contribute to my wellbeing. I work with a bunch of adaptable problem-solvers. Our work is really varied and our team remains agile against the breath of briefs that land on our desk. As a team, we’re always developing our knowledge, skills and bringing ideas to the table. Working in this collaborative way brings me joy and stimulation, taking some of the pressure out of the job and making sure I can have some fun.’

Peter Smith, Head of Marketing and Insight

‘Getting together as a team outside work really matters. It’s great part of Capacity’s culture and always feels like a lot of effort and thinking goes into it. Team building and wellbeing isn’t just about a few events a year though. It’s about how our team works together and supports each other every single day’.

Capacity bank holidays

What’s better than an extra day off? That’s right – two days off!

Each year, we try to give the team two extra bank holidays. These ‘Capacity bank holidays’ are a chance for the whole team to log off and take a collective breather. These days aren’t deducted from annual leave and promote the wellbeing of our staff by giving them a chance to have a bit of ‘me time’. The team can spend these days however they want, a spa day, an indoor ski lesson, a quick city break or just time with the family – we’ve heard it all.

Heather Mackelden, Business Coordinator

‘Capacity bank holidays are extra relaxing because you know the whole team is offline. This means you’re not wondering what you’re missing!’

Sophie Kervin, Learning, Impact and Comms Coordinator

‘I love the idea of Capacity bank holidays… the ability to take a collective pause amidst the day to day busyness, to switch off and do something you enjoy. I’ve never worked in another organisation with their own bank holidays’.

Talking (and listening)

Finally – and most importantly –  we strive to create a culture at Capacity where our team can bring their full, authentic selves to work. This includes knowing that they can talk about their mental health and wellbeing in the knowledge that they’ll be supported, and not judged. When somebody is going through a difficult time, we have a range of resources available that we can signpost them to.

We’re also on a mission to create a listening culture, where we seek – and act on – feedback about staff wellbeing. We ask our staff to be completely honest and tell us what we’re doing well and what we could be doing better. We create space for this through a quarterly wellbeing survey.  We know that we don’t always get it right, so we’re always open to new ideas and approaches to support wellbeing in the workplace.

Chris Catterall, Chief Executive 

‘We’re not widgets or machines, we’re people. We all have bad days, good days and days in between. At Capacity, it’s absolutely fine to say you’re not having a good day – or week – and ask for a chat or help, no one will judge you for doing that. I have plenty of bad days but always get support when I need it.

Sara Chattun, Designer and Doer

‘Talking about wellbeing is two-fold at Capacity. There’s the more formal opportunities to chat about it in our 1:1s – my line manager always starts with a check-in about how I’m doing generally and gives me space to talk. Then, there’s the day to day check-ins with each other. Whether it’s around the office, or at the start of meetings, we’re always asking each other how we’re doing and creating the space to talk.

Final Thoughts

It’s fair to say that as an organisation, we take the wellbeing of our team really seriously. This means that our focus on wellbeing isn’t a one day thing – it goes way beyond World Mental Health Day and is truly embedded into day to day life at Capacity. That being said, we want to take the opportunity this World Mental Health day to encourage people to check in with their friends, family, peers and colleagues. You never know who might be struggling.

If you’re concerned about your mental health or wellbeing, there are many ways you can get support. You can find advice from the Mental Health organisation here.

If you want to know more about how we promote a wellbeing culture at Capacity, contact