We’re on the lookout for some brilliant Associates to join the team…
Excited by the prospect of working on an ever-changing portfolio of projects across health and social care?
Specialist in a key commercial area such as service design, impact management or marketing and communications?
Great at quickly acquainting yourself with new projects and people?
Capacity is looking to recruit specialist associate team members who can support projects on an ad-hoc basis, as and when briefs fit their expertise and availability.
Are you:
An impact specialist? (We call them “data crunchers”).
A marketing and communications whiz? (We call them “storytellers”).
A delivery mastermind? (We call them “project managers”.)
A community engagement expert? (We call them “listeners”).
A tech-minded design guru? (We call them “digital innovators”).
A public service specialist? (We call them “service designers”).
A veteran leader? (We call them “mentors”).
If you’d like to learn more about any of these opportunities, get in touch via joinus@thisiscapacity.co.uk to speak to one of our Project Leads, who will identify areas of need across our current projects and match them with your skillset and experience.