Our Ventures

Bringing new thinking to solve old problems.

Our ventures are redefining the landscape of children’s social care in the region. Working with local authorities, funders, children and young people, we’re developing new, innovative and disruptive solutions to existing problems. Lasting social change relies on people being able to shape the services that affect their lives. Our ventures are designed to tackle a broken systems, improve the lives of real people and respond to local need.

We Are Juno CIC

Every day a child is placed in residential care in the Liverpool City Region. Many are placed outside the city region, sometimes hundreds of miles away from their families, friends and schools.

In 2020, Capacity launched its first venture, Juno – not-for-profit children’s residential homes across the Liverpool City Region. It’s a sustainable alternative to profit-driven models that dominate the children’s residential landscape.

At the heart of Juno’s model is a commitment to creating local homes where young people feel safe, loved and supported. Care-experienced young people in the Liverpool City Region have told us about their experiences and what needs to change in order for residential care homes to be great places to grow up.

Our first two homes are now open with our third currently being worked on. This is just one of the ways that we have brought local people and communities together to solve problems, build partnerships and put new thinking into action, not just talk about it.

We’re encouraging leaps in progress.

Yonder People CIC

Yonder is building a workforce that meets everyone’s needs.

Over recent years, local authorities across England have become increasingly reliant on agency social workers. High turnover and the variable quality and experience of children’s social workers leads to a lack of stability for families who need support.

Yonder is part of a shared ambition with national policy makers to look at the big picture and reduce local authority reliance on temporary social workers. A not-for-profit agency for temporary children’s social workers, Yonder will change agency working for the better – enough people to fill vital roles, professional and life experience that others can trust and workers who feel valued and driven to change lives.